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2022 Members' Christmas Party

With Entertainment by The Michael Bublé Show

C.ex Coffs

Join us for the 2022 C.ex Group Members’ Christmas party featuring The Michael Buble Show with Mitch Capone.

Mitch Capone is Australia’s Crooner!

This highly entertaining show will have audiences captured from song one with Mitch’s smooth rendition.
The Michael Buble Show is an authentic reproduction of the sounds of Michael Buble. Supported by “The Big Band” this production show leaves nothing to the imagination of a fantastic night of entertainment as it pays attention to every detail. Hear songs such as Moondance, Spiderman, Home, Everything, How Sweet It Is, Haven’t Met You Yet and many more.

The ticket includes a two-course luncheon.

Discounts apply for Diamond, Platinum and Gold members. Discount is available from the Box Office at C.ex Coffs.

Event Time
Friday 2 December
Event Price
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