Responsible Gaming Policy
The C.ex Group of Clubs strive to foster responsible gambling practises amongst patrons and staff. This is achieved by implementing and maintaining various harm minimisation and consumer protection measures as outlined in this policy below.
C.ex Group Responsible Conduct of Gaming Policy
Multi Venue Self Exclusion
In accordance with the Gaming Machines Act 2001; the C.ex Group operates a voluntary self – exclusion scheme for patrons and their guests who may have a problem with gambling. This information is gained from the Operations Manager through members of staff. The Club actively participates in the Clubs NSW on-line self-exclusion scheme which commenced in May 2012.
The C.ex Group now participates in a Self-Facilitated Self-Exclusion. This will allow patrons to apply for a self-exclusion without the barrier of attending a venue or organising a time to meet with a gambling counsellor. This feature will simplify the process for patrons looking to manage their gambling by allowing them to immediately apply for an exclusion from anywhere.
The Self-Facilitated Self-Exclusion form can be found here.
If you need assistance with any gambling problem, please call 02 6652 3888 to speak to the Operations Manager.
Help is Close at hand
1800 858 858